A commitment to innovation and sustainability
(As well as a bit of cheeky tweaky of assigned themes…)

Études is a pioneering firm that seamlessly merges creativity and functionality to redefine architectural excellence.

(The cheeky tweaky part is parenthetically added by myself, the person who is vainly attempting to have NO THEME assigned to a simple blog, who wants to have control of colors and fonts without being forced to upgrade from the so-called free option because “themes requiring upgrade have been used” every time I change a color or a font. Themes are a ubiquitous part of this “free” scheme to get people to upgrade. No fun. Not interested unless I can test drive it for awhile, first, to see if I even want an upgrade. Thus far, no. Not being pressured into it is one way to keep my interest, though.)

Building exterior in Toronto, Canada

A passion for creating spaces
(A desire to have my “free”
spaces undisturbed at no cost)

Our comprehensive suite of professional services caters to a diverse clientele, ranging from homeowners to commercial developers.
(This particular workspace suite of “free” professional services seems to cater to pressuring the use of themes and services one may not want in order to upsale the user if they want even the most simple of sites.)

Renovation and restoration

Experience the fusion of imagination and expertise with Études Architectural Solutions.

(Experience the frustration of using one’s imagination creating a site that fits one’s personality, only to be constantly hounded to upgrade because “themes” were used, when the themes were actually forced on one. And not having the experience to get around it.)

Continuous Support

Experience the fusion of imagination and expertise with Études Architectural Solutions.

(Imagine the ability to experience the fusion of one’s own imagination and expertise, untrammeled by the pressure of having to use other people’s ideas and themes in order to cajole people into buying services they don’t want because they want to use their own creativity.)

App Access

Experience the fusion of imagination and expertise with Études Architectural Solutions.


Experience the fusion of imagination and expertise with Études Architectural Solutions.

Project Management

Experience the fusion of imagination and expertise with Études Architectural Solutions.

Architectural Solutions

Experience the fusion of imagination and expertise with Études Architectural Solutions.

An array of resources

Our comprehensive suite of professional services caters to a diverse clientele, ranging from homeowners to commercial developers.

(Imagine being able to work in an environment that does NOT involve an array of mosquitoes buzzing around your head telling you that “themes have been used” and “upgrades are needed” when all one wanted was the freedom to create on a fully blank canvas, with no input from site resources.)

Études Architect App

  • Collaborate with fellow architects.
    (Be your own architect!)
  • Showcase your projects.
    (Showcase your own talents uninterrupted.)
  • Experience the world of architecture.
    (Experience the world of not being cajoled into upsales.)
Tourist taking photo of a building
Windows of a building in Nuremberg, Germany

Études Newsletter

  • A world of thought-provoking articles.
    (A world of thought-provoking freedom.)
  • Case studies that celebrate architecture.
    (Studies in self-directed creativity.)
  • Exclusive access to design insights.
    (Exclusive access to your own untrammeled processes.)

“Études has saved us thousands of hours of work and has unlocked insights we never thought possible.”

Annie Steiner

CEO, Greenprint

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